Thursday, October 13, 2011

Episodic Graphic Organizers: What I am learning...

One of the key pieces in TLS is the Episodic Graphic Organizer or EGO.  There are questions, vocabulary, notes, setting, prediction, characterization, writer and director "boxes" that the students fill out while watching.  Graphic Organizers are a big part of the Learning Focused Schools philosophy or sometimes they call it "Best Practices."  The idea is that by having students create a graphic representation (with words, but lines, categories and boxes) of their comprehension they will have better comprehension and better recall.  There are MANY studies on this idea.  There are also a couple that say/show that gifted students categorize information differently, uniquely and therefore are not helped by the Graphic Organizer philosophy.  I find that if I let them create what fits their needs, it works for them too...  Anyway, the point is about the TLS EGO....

So, what I had been doing was having the kids hold them and turn them in to me in big gluts.  The grading of which was KILLING me.  Additionally, I was disappointed to see "holes" where kids were not doing work consistently (and seeing it too late to do anything about it).  I was sure though that grading them on the spot, every time would be just as time consuming...

I was WRONG (I know, it happens, shhhh, don't tell anyone.).  Having the kids turn them in at the end of each episode is working REALLY REALLY well.  With a specific, immediate deadline (versus the more nebulous, "at the end of the unit.") the kids are more focused and on point.  Plus I can give them much more immediate feedback.  With more complete work and fewer holes it is also easier to grade.  So, what I am doing now is grading them and putting the score (out of 50) in the corner right away and passing them back.  I don't record the grade in the grade book, though.  The students can make corrections (highlighting them so I know they added) and turn it in at the end, but that's easy too now because the grading is primarily done and added up already.

The notes I am seeing are really impressive.  Yes, 1/2 to 2/3 are repetition of what is being pointed out as we watch, BUT (!) there is often extension of the idea and there are more frequently occurring original notes as well.  They really are becoming Critical Watchers and they catch a lot. 

Now if we could improve a couple of the little darling's handwriting.  I've don't think I've ever read so much student handwriting at one time (now three times a week).  I see an increase in my eye-glasses prescription in my future.  :)

Also, I see things I do want to change about the organizer.  Rather then have them list signifigant characters I think I'd like to add a section about conflict, antogonist and monster specifics.  I think I hav also hit (with the midway point) the reorganizing, reconoitering, re-evaluating portion of my "experiment."  Glad I have the next week off from school (Fall Break) I feel another sleepless writing/planning marathon coming....  Oi Vey!

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