Wednesday, August 10, 2011


So because of Furloughs and Open House we only received about 2.5 official Pre-Planning days this year.  That said as I have been in the building all summer working on the book, I was OK...

First I organized my class in a way that wasn't clinical rows, but still has the class pointed toward the front of the room for viewing.  First period has 33 (!) students in it, so I hope we have room for everyone, but I think I found an arrangement that worked.

Second I created a place (to be put up after the first week) for a giant episode graphic organizer (EGO) that I can dry erase on for classroom activities.

I made three bulletin boards.  One says "Gallery of Monsters" to be filled with student work.  "The Winchesters" with a divider down the middle for class character mapping of Sam and Dean.  Third is a map of the US with tacks in key locations to be added to as we go through episodes.  There is also bare space for students to bring in current relevant and geographically connected articles and pictures so that the wall gets a cool research feel to it...

There will also be a place for Common Core Standards and more SPN posters as they arrive.

When I figure out how I will post pictures.

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