So, first period rolled around early this morning (might have had something to do with my smoke detector going off at 4AM for No Reason!) and I was so hoping that the kids would all have their homework...
50% had read the story. At first 75% said they had, except that a third of them qualified that as they had read some or most of it, but not all. The story is 26 pages. They got it Friday. They knew it was due today. The assignment after the episode was to compare episode 108 Bugs to The Birds.... Can't do it if you haven't read it.
So, despite A LOT of pouting (I could have fished with all the bait on their lower lips!) as a class we read the story instead of watching the episode. I explained that there was no room to make it up, either. I also patiently explained that reading the story was not punishment. One way or another it had to be done. If they didn't do it with the four nights given them before hand we had to do it in class to the detriment of watching an episode.
Then I gave them an assignment (their first quick homework assignment, which up till this point I have been trying to avoid, but it is the more traditional method) to write a PARAGRAPH explaining why Nat Hawkins thinks the birds are attacking. They should have had as their assignment the comparison essay (and they would have had two days... for the rough draft, the final draft being an addendum to the test on Friday). That's out the window. I must have at least 85% return for us to continue onto 109 Home tomorrow.
Then I spoke to my team teacher. He was impressed that we had 50%. Honestly, I was too, but it's not good enough. They can do better, I expect better and for the sake of proving this program I WILL have better... because they deserve better of themselves.... I think me sticking to my guns on this is what counted and I expect to see great things in the morning....
Fourth period was better and worse. Only TWO out of TWENTY! Yet, when I presented them with the case, you would think I shot their cat! They were all quite mad, at themselves, which was refreshing. I really expect great things from this group. Very thoughtful, and on this, amazingly careless...
I have prepared for Home and Primal Moments tomorrow as lessons. Here's hoping that's where we go.
Tonight, I believe. Otherwise, while this is not a failure, there will be a lot of revamping in my future for the Labor Day weekend. I have to have tactile proof of learning and progress. Assignments and participation are the two biggest indicators...
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