Saturday, February 18, 2012

Overheard at GCTE

"My friend saw this at High Schools that Work and she's doing it with her 10th graders...." 

There were only about 175 people at this conference.  They offered 10 different presentations each section.  I had just over 30 at mine.  It went really well.  Four books (my new 3rd Edition!) and three mini-units were purchased.  What was most exciting was to be able to share student samples and talk about how my kids are actually doing (which is great by the way!).

However, I am now dying to know who this young lady's friend was.  I didn't know I had any tenth grade classes....  Anyone, anyone?


  1. First off, let me just say how amazing it is that you've done this! I'm a first year English teacher, high school, and I just finished my most recent semester. I was sitting around after exams googling Supernatural inspirational posters to decorate my room with for next year and found TLS! I was absolutely speechless and immediately began going through's materials. All weekend I've been googling like mad trying to find more information.

    I truly hope you're still implementing this in your classroom. This is an unbelievably creative way to engage and interact with students. My school is extremely big on working with "21st century skills" and I can't think of a better way than TLS. All semester long my inner nerd for Supernatural kept popping up and mentioning the show to my seniors in reference to something we were reading and by the end, the show had 5 new viewers. And those were just the ones who told me they were watching it now because of me.

    From what little info I could find, it says you sell your book and lessons at workshops and conferences. Is that the only place you sell them? If my principal would go for it (which, if I can justify it enough for her I think she would since she used to be an English teacher too), I would love to try this for my kids next year. Even if you aren't continuing the project, I'd love just to chat with you and see how far you've gotten and maybe even get some inspiration on how to work with these modern teaching methods. Learn from a pro as it were! :)

    I hope I hear back from you and, even better, that your work is being recognized like it should be!

  2. Hello!

    What happened to this project? It is very interesting. I'm just founding out about it and would love to see or buy some material, but this blogs is abandoned and the website doesn't work... :(
    Any one knows anything about the project or its creator?
    Thanks in advance!
